Thursday, October 6, 2011

Michael David 2008 Petite Petit, Lodi Appellation, $17.00

OK. So here I am, back in FL. I think you guys might have caught a post a little bit back about buying wine at Target in FL, which still amuses me to no end. (Though not as much as being able to buy wine at CVS.) I was in a great mood when I bought this wine b/c I paid a lot less for it than I would normally pay for it in CT.

In the glass, a gazillion skinny little legs form immediately and drip back into the body of the wine, which is a super dark, reddish-purplish-black color that I can't see my fingers through. The nose is harsh & tannin-filled, very old-world with a cedar box component. The alcohol is only slightly evident on the nose, despite this wine's sucker punch of a 15% alcohol content.

On the palate, there's tannins. Lots of them. Big, mellow tannins with a hint of dirt. Then, as I swallow, that mellow chemical burn - an unmistakable trademark of the petit verdot, which comprises 15% of this wine - lingers, at once soothing & comforting.

This is definitely an old-world wine, both in aroma & taste. There are no happy fruit flavors in this wine. Instead, there is a truckload of tannins with a hint of cedar. It's a very mature taste, very refined.

I love this wine for a lot of reasons - the refined taste, the high alcohol content, the petit verdot component, the elephants & circus theme on the bottle. But most of all, I love it for the fact that this wine could go head-to-head with an old-world French wine more than twice the price and, in my opinion, win.


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